Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Anybody wants a good laugh? subscribe to swoozie youtube channel . He has some funny videos, check him out.

Class today... 4/24/2013

In class today thinking. Sweeney told us to write an essay on our contribution to the class. I felt my contribution in class this semester has been good. I participated in most of the discussions. I wrote down 86/100, I believe that is a fair amount for me. Last day of class is friday, i'm glad cause I need a break from school. This semester was rough in the beginning, but finishing all my classes out strong.

Read this on cnn...think it's funny.

Editor's note: Ian Kerner, a sexuality counselor and New York Times best-selling author, writes about sex and relationships for CNN Health. Read more from him on his website, GoodInBed.
(CNN) -- It's a moment that not all parents have experienced, but that many of us fear: You're enjoying a passionate encounter with your partner, oblivious to the pitter-patter of little feet until it's too late.
Have you just scarred your kid for life? Certainly not -- but, depending on your child's age, you might have some explaining to do.
"Being walked in on during sex is a very common experience -- and a great example of why it is important to knock first, and always respect someone's privacy," says sexologist Logan Levkoff. "But before you say anything to your child, you are going to need to determine what they heard, saw, and if they even care about what was going on."
I believe that how you should address these questions or concerns depends on your child's age.

Ian Kerner
For example, most experts agree that parents shouldn't worry about being intimate near their baby.
"Many families choose co-sleeping with babies, or having babies in the parental bedroom," explains psychotherapist Jennifer Naparstek Klein. "It doesn't seem harmful for there to be parental sexuality while a baby snoozes or is nearby in various states of alertness. Babies cannot process what the parents are doing, so it has no significance to them."
Youth: Straight, LGBT or 'other?'
Here are some considerations for every age group:
Toddlers: Some young children may be oblivious to sex, while others may need reassurance.
"Children sometimes think something violent or frightening is happening, and that should be addressed," says sex therapist Margie Nichols. "When my son was a toddler, he thought his stepdad was 'hurting' me because, well, we were way too loud and even very late at night my son could hear us."
Explain that you and your partner were having a private moment and that you weren't hurting each other, and leave it at that unless your child has more questions.
Elementary-age children: Kids this age have some curiosity about sex, but at the same time, they generally want to steer away from the subject.
"Always follow your child's lead on what they can handle," suggests Klein. "If they get too uncomfortable with sex talk, save it for a later time."
Tweens: By this age, many kids know what's going on and may even make noises of loud disgust if they walk in on you by accident. Yet it's a great time to give your child the idea that sex is a private, enjoyable activity that takes place in adult relationships, says Nichols.
Teens: "Older kids are sometimes amused when they guess that their parents have been sexual, but if it's in their faces too much of the time, it can create discomfort and anxiety," says Klein.
"Teens can better handle the idea of their parents as sexual beings, but they really don't need to see it. Ask any teenager: They'll tell you themselves whether they want to see their parents getting it on. I promise you, the answer is no."
What to do after an affair
But these days, you don't just have to worry about your child walking in on a private moment -- you may also have to explain other things encountered in or out of the home, such as sex toys, self-pleasuring and even pornography.
"The average age a kid sees porn is 10. It's everywhere and it's naive to think your kid won't see it," says sexual health educator Amy Lang of Birds + Bees + Kids.
"Tell them about porn before they stumble across it: 'Sometimes people look at pictures or videos of people having sex. This is called pornography, or porn. It's not for kids, and your heart and mind aren't ready to see something like this. You won't be in trouble if you do, but I need to make sure you are OK.'"
However you choose to talk about sex, "you want to remain low-key, not emotional. Try to assess where your child is coming from and what his or her unspoken questions might be, give appropriate information and be sex-positive," says Nichols.
Take some steps to prevent a repeat performance: Install a lock on your bedroom door, encourage kids to knock, play soft music or the TV for white noise at night, and schedule "private parent time" when your child knows not to disturb you.
But don't keep all intimacy behind closed doors. "Being affectionate -- not sexual -- in front of your children can be a wonderful thing," says Levkoff. "Kids should know that there is physical love and intimacy and we model for them how to express that in healthy ways." So kiss, hug, cuddle, and hold hands with your partner.
Are you 'normal' in bed?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Class today....

I was in class thinking about the semester. I can't believe classes are almost over. This semester has gone by so fast. Today in class was peer reviews for our third paper. I had wrote my third paper about video game violence. I am currently making my changes on it now. The third paper is grade for thirty percent. Everything for class is due Friday. I am confident for my third paper. I want A+

start of my third paper....

Videos games have transformed greatly over the many years of its existence. Children and teens should not play violent video games because they cause negative effects.  The audience I am reaching to persuade is the young kids that are playing video games. Video games are fun and entertaining. I believe that violent video games make teens more aggressive. I think when teens buy video games, the store owners should check id. A child that is under the teenage age group might play video games that is rated R. Video games are almost second nature to children and they are more comfortable playing them. Real life graphics making violent games more realistic. Statistics has shown that teens that play violent video games are to be more aggressive then ones that don’t.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Class today...

In class today writing. Completed a list of things in class.
Step by step.
Phone, twitter are my distractions in class today.
The stress of school is on my mind. The semester has been rough. I will finish strong in all my classes.
I will do more research about Video Game Violence.
I do believe that video games does have a negative influence in some Humans.
I was thinking that video game violence should be easy to write about.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thinking about second paper...

In class still thinking about what I will write for my second argumentative paper. I am confident about my first paper that it was well written and structured. I'm not sure what subtitle I am going to write about yet. I was thinking of writing For Cohabitation or Against Gay Adoption. I know that both topics will be moral to write about. I’m currently doing my research now for both topics. Cohabitation has a good amount of research for an argumentative paper. I know when I research Gay Adoption masses of information show. I want my next two argumentative papers to be better than my first one. Class went by smooth today. The class was writing and brainstorming about the second topic, which is Family. The free writing did help. Some people thought it was boring, but free writing is important.  1500 words for a paper isn’t an easy task to complete. Writing has been a weakness in school, but college has forced me to become better. For my third paper I was thinking writing about video game violence. This semester is going by fast. I am trying my best in each of my classes to achieve grade inflation.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

First argumentative paper...complete.

“The Battle of ‘For’ V.S. ‘Against’ Gay Rights”
Cedarian Smith
English 101
Argumentative Essay Sexuality
“For most people, heterosexual relationships are the norm, both in society and in nature. Homosexual relationships are thus abnormal and unnatural; therefore, they shouldn’t be validated by the state nor recognized as a form of marriage.” (3) Society should accept gay people in overall, but reject gay marriage and adoption. The debate about gay rights has grown from an issue that sporadically arose in a few states to a national and even worldwide controversy.  Everybody has different views and opinions about gay rights. Gays should not have the rights for marriage and adoption.
The child needs man and woman in the household so that child can function in society. Children have the right to be raised in a family with a mother and a father. That’s the way it should always be in households. Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman. Gay rights should never be legalized. Gay people should not have the rights to adopt because it would influence the children to think gay marriage is acceptable. Gay Marriage violates the natural law. “Any situation which institutionalizes the circumvention of the purpose of the sexual act violates natural law and the objective norm of morality.” (2) The Natural Law is universal and immutable. “It is in the child’s best interests that he be raised under the influence of his natural father and mother.” (2) That can’t happen being raised by two women or by two men.
In the United States there is social conflict about the government’s denial of the right to marry for homosexuals. In the name of the “family,” same-sex “marriage” serves to validate not only such unions but the whole homosexual lifestyle in all its bisexual and transgender modifications. Legal recognition of same-sex “marriage” would necessarily vague certain basic moral standards, degrade traditional marriage, and weaken public morality.Marriage is not just an institution, but also a symbol representing our culture's ideals about sex, sexuality, and human relationships.” (3) “Symbols are important because they are a common cultural currency which we each use to help create our sense of self.” (3) Two individuals of the same sex, nevertheless of their race, wealth, stature, education or fame, will never be able to marry because of an undefeatable genetic impossibility. Some people are completely against gay marriage, and many of liberals are fighting for equal treatment. Neo-Christian politicians are using religious arguments because they claim Homosexuality is a dishonor. Gays want to be accepted by society. They demand to be accepted as they are.
Gay marriage should not be legalized, because marriage has been necessary as a religious and legal commitment between man and woman. Homosexual relationships are perceived as abnormal and unnatural. Gay marriage would demoralize marriage because it is a legal and moral institution designed to promote and protect reproduction and raising of children.  Opposition to equal civil rights for gays comes in various methods. Rick Duncan exemplifies that “if gay rights are enacted, religious persecution follows relentlessly.” “Five arguments that are against gay rights’ is Religious freedom, rights of children, Whither traditional marriage, Education, and husbands.” (5) People that believe in the purity of traditional marriage may soon end up on the wrong side of "enlightened" intolerance.
“Legal equality for gay marriage will mean there can be no discrimination in favor of heterosexual couples in any sphere, including adoption, custody and reproductive services.” (5) “More children living in gay homes mean more children living lives absent a relationship with at least one natural parent.” (5) It is possible the social impact of gay marriage on heterosexual marriage will be insignificant. The changes to the schools will make it unlikely. “Federal Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling in August on California's Proposition 8 - that "gender no longer forms an essential part of marriage" confirmed the view that marriage is foremost about sexual optimal, not reproduction.” (5) If homosexual couples require the have children, they can do this as an adoption through the de-facto system law. Individuals who are ‘for’ gay marriage and parenting will possibly disagree. People that are ‘for’ gay marriage believe that homosexual couples do not necessarily need to have children. There was a case study in order to evaluate the discussion ‘against’ gay marriage we can look at Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s thoughts towards not legalizing same sex marriage in Australia and Overseas.
In some countries, some of the presidents and leaders actually want to imprison, kill, and generally hurt homosexuals. The reason is because of who they love and whatever gender they go for.  “Although Virginia does not prohibit same-sex sexual activity within the state, it does not currently allow same-sex couples to marry or form a civil union.” (1) “The public viewpoints that American presidents such as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have taken on this subject have greatly influenced federal and state laws on the same.” (1) “In 1996, Bill Clinton took an anti-gay stance by signing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which officially defined marriage on a national level as a union between a man and woman.” (1) The United States government today does not officially recognize the union of same-sex marriages.
The Catholic Church sustains a stout opposition to gay marriage. “Pope Benedict XVI (16) has stated that “marriage should only be between man and woman.”” (1) The Church opposes homosexual relationships, abortion and contraception because they obstruct this purpose. When Nebraska introduced an amendment that banned gay marriage, supporters of gay marriage battled to have the amendment repealed. The amendment bans legal recognition of same sex relationships including domestic partnerships, and struck out the other basic protections that groups had managed to win for gay couples.
“One argument brought up by those against gay marriage is that children are at risk of being sexually molested by their gay male parents, due to the men's attraction to males.” (1) This argument derives from an absence of understanding of sexual psychology.  “Pedophilia, however, is a form of sexual perversion, separate from that person's sexual orientation.” (1) Pedophilia is a sexual attraction to children. “A study of child sex abuse showed that in cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, 74 percent of the men studied were or had been in a relationship with the boy's mother or another close female relative.” (1) Researchers say that "a child's risk of being mistreated by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is above one hundred times superior to by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual."
Keith Boykin has spoken on an issue of the Black community. Black ministers and churches definitely, do not support same sex marriages. The Black community only sees descriptions and exemplifications from the gay white community. The topic of gay marriages has been common this year. Gay marriage is a very rarely spoken about in conjunction with the Black community. It seems like Boykin was attacking his own people.
Prop 8 supporters argued to limit gay marriage because gays can’t create “New life”. New life means the creation of babies. Lesbians can only get pregnant through artificial insemination. Some heterosexual couples can’t get pregnant and use artificial insemination. “Same-sex” marriage” is basically sterile. Same sex spouses that want a child, they must avoid nature by costly and artificial means or employ replacements. Therefore, we cannot call a same-sex union marriage and give it the benefits of true marriage.
“By legalizing same-sex “marriage,” the State becomes its official and active advocate.” (2) “In every situation where marriage affects society, the State will expect Christians and all people of moral will to deceive their moralities by tolerating, through silence or act, an attack on the natural order and Christian morality.” (2) “In the 1960s, society was concerned to accept all kinds of immoral sexual relationships between men and women.” (2) Today we are seeing a new sexual revolt where society is being asked to accept sodomy and same-sex “marriage.” Whenever one violates the natural honorable order established by God, one sins and offends God. Same-sex “marriage” does just this. “As we read in the Book of Genesis: “God created man in His image; in the Divine image he created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.’” (2) The existence of gay marriages would establish a defilement of a valued institution created by God for the purpose reproduction. “Chicago Cardinal Francis George has launched a last-ditch campaign to convince the lame-duck Illinois legislature not to legalize same-sex marriage, saying that government “has no power to create something that nature itself tells us is impossible.”” (6) “Catholic leaders noted that previous Illinois legislatures have passed other controversial measures during lame-duck sessions, such as abolishing the death penalty and approving civil unions for same-sex partners.” (6)

Works Cited

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First topic: Sexuality....

            In class thinking on what subtitle I will choose for Sexuality. This will be the first essay which is worth ten percent. I have chosen to write my argumentative essay on Gay rights’. It is a very controversial subject to talk about. I am against Gay rights’, that’s my opposition. I don’t feel that Gay’s should have the right to marry. I feel that it is against Christianity. I do not have hate towards Gay people. They deserve to be treated and respected like everyone else. And sometimes I wonder why they made that decision to date their sex. I didn’t want to write about Abortion. I feel that women should only write about Abortion. I think it’s wrong, but I don’t have that much concern about Abortion. I think that writing argumentative essays is a great way of debate. I am currently doing research now on Gay rights’. I will try my best to make this a successful argumentative essay. 1500 words is the max. I will have my rough draft done by tomorrow. My schedule is great so I have plenty of time to brainstorm and do research. I am looking forward to see what everybody else is writing.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Topic list..

In class thinking about what topics I want to choose. Argumentative papers are respectable because it can lead to great discussions.  Everybody was discussing on what three topics to choose and write about. The topics to choose from are Education, Gender, Pop Culture, Race/Ethnicity, Religion, Environment, Family, Sexuality, Crime & Punishment. They all can be good topics to write about. Everybody wanted to cancel out Education because it might be boring to write about. I think the best topic to write about is Environment. Gas prices, toxic wastes, littering etc. Religion is also a good topic to write about. Religion is very controversial, and complex.  I think Crime & punishment would be entertaining to write about. There are Virtuous Subtitles such as Legalizing Marijuana, gun control, drinking age.  Sexuality is also a Virtuous topic to write about. Gay rights, marriage, Abortion. The length for each paper has to be 1,500 or more. The first essay is due February 11 and 13. Second essay is due March 11 and 13. Third essay is due April 19 and 22. I am enjoying the class so far, classmates are cool. I will try my best to succeed on each paper I write.